Qualification and integration on the labor market in Albstadt

Press release by Roland Tralmer, candidate for the 2023 Albstadt mayoral election

As part of the mayoral campaign for the mayoral election on 05.03.2023, mayoral candidate Roland Tralmer was a guest at the Deutsche Angestellten Akademie (DAA) in Albstadt Ebingen. In the conversation with the customer center manager Kirsten Kistner and her employees Yalniz and Meyer, the focus was on the activities of the DAA in Albstadt in the area of further education measures for qualification on the labor market as well as the role that the DAA plays in particular also in the integration of further education trainees with a migration background. Especially in times of increasing shortage of skilled workers, Roland Tralmer said, it is important not to rely solely on immigration to Albstadt from outside, but to use all the resources already available in the city.

As a mature industrial city, Albstadt is dependent on the availability of a sufficient number of qualified workers to meet the needs of trade, crafts and industry in order for the local economy to function properly. The Deutsche Angestellten Akademie in particular has a key role to play here. The knowledge of the German language is crucial for the integration, especially of fellow citizens with a migration background. Tralmer was able to see for himself on site that the facility was of central importance here. However, this does not only apply to the acquisition of language skills. In addition, the ongoing training and further qualification of existing workers is crucial for the local labor market. In this respect, the offer of the DAA in Albstadt, especially in the field of further education, but also in the field of retraining, is a key element to further secure and advance the business location Albstadt.

From the point of view of local politics, it is therefore particularly important for him that in the future, in the area of “local economic policy”, the networking between the economy, educational companies and the administration is also raised to an even better level. According to Tralmer, he imagines that there will be regular meetings in this area in the future, at which a clear coordination will be carried out as to what requirements are made by the economy on the local labor market and how the offers of vocational training providers can be coordinated with this. Under the already familiar motto “Economy is a matter for the boss”, he would also make a personal effort to address this aspect if elected.

Following the visit, there was an opportunity to interact one-on-one with a training class. It was found that, in addition to migration-specific topics, the same local political issues are relevant to the students of the DAA as to the population as a whole. In particular, the topic of “safety and cleanliness in the city” and the question of the redesign of the Ebling horseshoe and the entire Ebling city center were discussed. Those present agreed with Tralmer that improved parking facilities close to the center – both for working people, residents and visitors to the city center – must be created for the future.

Ihr OB für Albstadt – teilen Sie diesen Beitrag für Veränderung in unserer Stadt!

2 thoughts on “Qualification and integration on the labor market in Albstadt”

  1. MarianSandu

    Hello , my name its Marian Sandu and I am original from Romania .
    In 2021 I come with my wife with a contract job and I start to work for subsidiary company from Amazon .
    In October 2021 , I have one work accident in time working hours .
    Becouse I don’t speak German and I don”t know the work accident regulation , the company cover this inccident and don”t recognise the accident .
    Now I am in the court .
    In this time I bee sick for 78 weeks and for 9 months in Agentur fur Arbiten money .
    Becouse I have one leg amputation before the accident , after work accident I broke my back , prothessis and I am in whellchair .
    Now I cant use artificial leg any more , becouse injury of accident .
    I am disabele registred with ,100 procent and grade aG ( Behinderund grade karte ).
    In this time I tray and I make request for do with DAA integration from Albstadt a course for learn German .
    The application was rejecte and reason was I have to pay 4.000 euro for this German cours .
    I try to explain I am in Agentur fur Arbaiten registred and I need learn German to try may a conversion job bee in whellchair , I will need a sitting job .
    The DAA give me a form from exemptaion pay to complecte and send to Agentur fur Arbaiten .
    The Agentur fur Arbaiten refuse to pay the couse fees and tim now pass …., I have 2 years been sick , with no langues german skils to bee aviabele to found a job .
    More than that , I request help for Burgengeld from Job -Center and my apllication was refuse for reason , I am not Permanent Resident in Germany ( I need Daueraufenthalrechts) .
    This its another abuse now from Job-Center , becouse mu solicitors say , I like Romanian working , become disabele in Germany with work accident hapend hear , I normal have rights to be help and recovery to go back to work .
    May bee I will not walk again , but I still want a job in whellchair .
    But this can’t bee realise if I can speak better German .
    I speak conversational German , how I can lern from internet , but I need a course to improve my langued in German .
    You say thee DAA want help an integreted people to learn an help , wath can I doo if I don”t have mony to pay the course ?
    You can give me one advice ?
    Please send my a answer in my email :
    [email protected]

    You can have my adress:
    Marian Sandu
    72461, Taifllingen , Albstadt
    Tel:01728544659 !


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