Election program – immediate measures

The poor turnout in the first round of the OB election is a cause for concern. Better communication and transparency are therefore crucial for greater satisfaction among our citizens and identification with our home city.

I would urgently like to change that with the help of an open exchange. The respective heads of office will therefore be present at the round table to answer the questions of the invited citizens on a wide range of topics and, if necessary, to find alternative, sensible solutions to problems. I will also be inviting experts to these discussion groups on a regular basis.

The roundtable discussions are held at the invitation of City Hall.

The following regular theme tables are planned:

  1. Economy
  2. Energy
  3. Security
  4. Schools/daycare centers
  5. Construction/urban planning and creation of affordable housing

Further topic tables can be added depending on the problem situation.

In addition, an integration committee can help to involve foreign fellow citizens responsibly in city affairs.

Immediate action administration / management structure:

  • Review of the long-standing administrative structure and responsibilities, division of departments and allocation of the respective specialist offices (streamlining of administrative processes, better networking of the individual offices and avoidance of internal administrative friction losses)
  • Introduction of a continuous cross-departmental and cross-office cost controlling system with regular reporting obligations to the top management.
  • Immediate acceleration of the digitization of the administration, both in the internal administrative process and in contact with citizens, if necessary with the involvement of external companies.
  • Citizen-friendly administration: personal visits to authorities only when absolutely necessary.
  • Introduction of a “citizens’ office” as a central contact point for residents, also at Ebingen town hall.
  • Regular office hours of the head of the administration in the respective city halls, not only by telephone, but also regular office hours of the mayor and the mayors on site in all districts.
  • Interdepartmental review of current practice regarding “expert opinions”: In the future, expert opinions will only be commissioned from outsiders if there is a compelling need to do so; recourse to existing expertise of the administration and citizens / organizations of the city.

Immediate measures safety and cleanliness:

  • The concept “Safety and cleanliness in the entire city” will be implemented immediately and accelerated.
  • Introduction of the municipal public order service with police powers as soon as possible; in addition to the new posts already decided, further redeployment of staff from the public order office to the municipal public order service, if necessary.
  • Regular patrols of “problem zones” both within the city area and at corresponding hot spots in the town centers, especially downtown Ebingen and Tailfingen. This in close cooperation and in regular exchange with the police in Albstadt, if necessary organization of joint action police / municipal security service / private security companies to be commissioned.
  • Regular control of the local “poser” scene.
  • Zero tolerance policy “for identified contaminants.” Consistent implementation of the already existing (so far not enforced) fines for littering within the city area and courage to prosecute even minor administrative offenses. Focusing away from pure control of stationary and stationary traffic (increased use of automated controls for speeding violations), instead concentrating on combating administrative offenses and criminal offenses, creating a sense of security within the city and combating “scare areas” (example: Bürgerturmplatz Ebingen).
  • Prohibition of unattended vending machines that contribute to littering of the city area due to packaging materials.
  • Upgrading social integration of marginalized groups through street social work through new capacity, including at the social service. We crack down, but help those who need and accept help.

Immediate measures for housing and urban redevelopment

Immediate start of the “Albstadt Housing Offensive”, consisting of the following components, among others:

  • Active property management by the city administration
  • Strategic land acquisition by the city in relation to vacant land suitable for construction and second-hand real estate.
  • Cross-district review of existing buildable areas
  • Despite adherence to the principle of “building inside before outside”, immediate examination of which areas within the city (in particular on the outskirts) can be designated as new building areas, and immediate implementation.
  • Acceleration of development plan and approval procedures, if necessary new focus within the building administration, if necessary calling in external capacities for the fastest possible processing
  • Cooperation with private and commercial investors, industry and business in Albstadt: It is conceivable that additional shareholders could participate in as-wohnbau GmbH, which is currently solely owned by the city, in order to accelerate the implementation of residential construction projects as quickly as possible. This is done by using open spaces as well as preferably existing old buildings – especially unused industrial buildings.
  • Intensification of contacts of the city administration with private investors
  • Project planning, in particular of “multi-family residential buildings” and multi-generation houses, if necessary also involving private investors and activating subsidies

Because: We need attractive, high-quality, energy-efficient housing and not cheap renovations in old buildings – that is much too short-term thinking.

This must be accompanied by a fundamental upgrading of the inner-city quality of life through urban redevelopment:

  • Continuation of existing redevelopment areas, in particular also in Truchtelfingen
  • Immediate examination of where the space for further redevelopment areas exists within the city area.
  • Continuation of change barriers to prevent further downtrading spirals, for example in Ebingen and Tailfingen (pushing back snack bars, gambling halls and betting shops, etc.)
  • Consequent and immediate reconstruction of the city center Ebingen under the aspect of “experience character and quality of stay” according to the resolution of the target picture of 02.02.2023, which was developed in the civic process.
  • Redesign of downtown Ebingen both in the horseshoe and in the area of Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Platz / Bürgerturmplatz, removal of the bus stop there from the pedestrian area and creation of different recreational spaces, also for use for art, culture and other events.
  • Immediate start of an “urban greening concept” especially in the centers of the large districts. This especially with the inclusion of modern green planning, trees, plants and also building greening.
  • Ensuring accessibility of the city centers of the larger districts both by public transport and by individual transport. Sufficient provision of both parking spaces close to the center for visitors and residents, provision of sufficient parking space for employees in the city centers within walking distance.

Immediate measures Economy in Albstadt

  • Albstadt is an industrial city. Promoting and nurturing the local economy must therefore once again become “the mayor’s top priority”.
  • Ongoing regular communication of the top management with the local business community as a whole, creation of a new format for mutual exchange between business (industry, crafts, trade, services) and administration. Regular exchange in larger groups at least twice a year, furthermore continuous and regular communication of the top management with trade and business associations, Chamber of Industry and Commerce, district craftsmen’s association, Städtlesinitiative and other organizations active in the field of economy.
  • Restructuring of the municipal economic development department, which works directly to the Lord Mayor, if necessary increasing the areas of responsibility and equipment of the economic development department in Albstadt for the maintenance of existing businesses, for the promotion of new businesses and the settlement of interested parties from outside the town in close cooperation with the Technology Workshop in Tailfingen and the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences.
  • Provision of sufficient commercial space in the city area that is available to interested parties at short notice. Here, too, “internal development and use of existing buildings before external development” applies. The demand of the local economy clearly shows that the designation of new commercial areas (among others Hirnau) is urgently needed for a good economic development of the city. If new commercial areas are designated, they must be sustainable and climate-friendly through appropriate urban land use planning. Keyword: “Lighthouse project sustainable industrial park” with corresponding regulations on landscape compensation measures, against sprawling soil sealing, flood protection, energy insulation and use of alternative energy and heat sources.
  • “Produced in Albstadt” always has priority – as far as legally possible – over out-of-town suppliers.
  • Taking the shortage of skilled workers seriously – the business community is bemoaning the growing shortage of skilled workers. This requires the following actions on the part of the city:

-Strengthening family-friendly structures with optimized childcare options

– Strengthening of the university location – integration also in the city center of Ebling

– Creation of appropriate living space and care services

– Package for integration into the urban society and the association system

– Administration as a reliable partner of the economy that keeps promises

Immediate measures Art / Culture / Halls / Volunteers

  • Suspension of the Albstadt hall concept adopted in 2022 (demolition of Thalia Theater in Tailfingen and Festhalle Ebingen, conversion of Zollern-Alb-Halle into a temporary solution for arts and culture).
  • New comprehensive discussion involving in particular the art, culture and sports clubs on the future hall design and hall concept.
  • Independent review of the maintenance costs for the Thalia Theater and the Ebingen Festival Hall calculated to date by the city administration in order to make an appropriate decision on continued operation or demolition, review of any alternative operator concepts for the Thalia Theater in Tailfingen.
  • Immediate examination of the timeframe and specific location of a cultural and event hall to be built in Albstadt. This also includes the possible participation of private investors.
  • Intensive promotion of voluntary work, revision of the municipal guidelines for the promotion of associations.
  • Recognition for honorary office: Reorganization of the previously annual “Albstadt Citizens’ Festival” into a “Day of Honorary Office and Associations” sometimes for better networking.
  • Analogous to the technology workshop: Establishment of a cultural workshop for creative artists with rehearsal rooms, artists’ studios, theater rehearsal rooms, etc., in order to promote their own art and culture created in Albstadt.

Immediate measures Energy and heat supply

  • Immediate start of a new municipal energy and heat planning in the direction of a “self-sufficient city”.
  • This future concept must be implemented as a cross-sectional task between Albstadtwerke GmbH, the Albstadt city administration, the business community and service providers, and private individuals.
  • Start of increased use of domestic, renewable energy sources, in particular use of biomass and exemplary waste heat from the wastewater treatment plant in Albstadt Ebingen.
  • Creation of decentralized small power plants at suitable locations in the urban area, entry into the development of decentralized heating networks based on renewable energy sources.

Ihr OB für Albstadt – teilen Sie diesen Beitrag für Veränderung in unserer Stadt!

5 thoughts on “<strong>Election program – immediate measures</strong>”

  1. Who will be invited to participate in the round table discussions? What are the main objectives of the open exchange and round table sessions? How will the questions and concerns of the citizens be addressed and addressed? How will the expertise of the invited experts contribute to finding alternative solutions to problems?
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