Dear fellow citizens of Albstadt,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the trust you placed in me during yesterday’s election for the office of Lord Mayor. I am very aware of the responsibility entrusted to me by the voters. I want to live up to these expectations.

The website was created on the occasion of the mayoral election campaign in spring 2023. Now that I am in office as mayor of the city of Albstadt, it is important to bundle communication on all topics relating to the city of Albstadt. The “election campaign homepage” is therefore suspended for the time being. For this purpose, I would like to refer you to the website of the City of Albstadt at

Best regards!
Roland Tralmer

Roland Tralmer, Candidate OB Election Albstadt, Your Mayor for Albstadt 2023

OB election Albstadt 2023

For several months now, I have been approached by many citizens of Albstadt and asked to take this step. The decision to apply for the office of Lord Mayor of our home town of Albstadt was therefore not made on a whim or under the aspect of a “local political career ladder”. In consultation and discussion with numerous fellow citizens – but first and foremost with my family and wife – I have decided to throw my hat into the ring. This is because I believe I can make my contribution to a good future development of our city.

I grew up in Albstadt and like living here. My professional existence with my own law firm was built up here over the last decades, here I am active in numerous associations on a voluntary basis and since 2014 I have been active in the municipal council as chairman of the CDU municipal council faction. I am therefore pleased that my party also unanimously supports me. Party politics, however, is of less importance at the local level. That’s why my candidacy for mayor is expressly non-partisan.

My home is and remains Albstadt. I’ve always lived here and I don’t have to promise to move first if I win the election. I feel like an “Albstadt resident”. Albstadt can only function if each individual district is treated equally. This has always been a matter of course for me and therefore does not need to be an election promise. However, it must not remain lip service, but such self-evident facts must also be implemented by an administration. That is my goal. Our city will only move forward in difficult times if we have a modern city administration that works at “eye level” with the citizens, is also open to criticism and suggestions, and sees itself as a service provider for its residents. Therefore, the mayor is not first and foremost the “head of the city”, but the frontline worker of the inhabitants of our homeland.

Roland Tralmer –
Your Lord Mayor for Albstadt

I bring with me the prerequisites to lead Albstadt into the future: This both due to my legal education and experience in different legal areas, especially in cooperation with our medium-sized businesses. In addition, also through many years of political activity in a wide variety of functions. I am networked on all political levels through my continuous work – a circumstance that is also advantageous for the city of Albstadt with direct contacts on the state and federal level. Since 2019, I have also been a member of the Zollernalbkreis district council.

Albstadt is the largest city in the Zollernalbkreis and the largest payer of district levy. That is why from the very beginning it is necessary to represent the interests of our city at the district level. Here, too, it is possible for me to start immediately at “100%”.

Together with all of you, I would like to change and leave well-trodden paths on which our administration finds itself, where this is necessary for the future viability of our Albstadt. To become and remain fit for the future, a “jolt through the city” must go. A simple “business as usual” is not enough.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the trust you have placed in me in the OB election on 19.03.2023!

Roland Tralmer

Citizens’ dialog with
OB candidate Roland Tralmer

Thank you for the many good conversations during the election campaign!

  • Thursday door-to-door meetings in various parts of the city
  • Friday 9:00 to 12:00 information stand weekly market Tailfingen
  • Friday afternoon from 2:00 p.m.: Door-to-door talks together with election campaign team in various local districts
  • Saturday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm information stand weekly market Ebingen
  • Saturday afternoon door-to-door meetings in different parts of the city
  • Friday, January 27: Jewel, Margrethausen
  • Monday, January 30: Kronenkeller, Tailfingen
  • Wednesday, February 1: Krone, Lautlingen
  • Friday, February 3: Ca Va, Ebingen
  • Wednesday, February 8: Brauhaus, Ebingen
  • Thursday, February 9: Altes Bahnhöfle, Truchtelfingen
  • Saturday, February 11: Margrethausen Festival Hall. Panel discussion of the OB candidates at 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 14: Zollersteighof, Onstmettingen
  • Friday, February 17: Bergcafé, Burgfelden
  • Thursday, February 23: Clubhouse FC Pfeffingen, Pfeffingen
  • Friday, February 24: Zollernalb-Halle, OB candidate presentation at 6 p.m.
  • Monday, February 27: Panel discussion Zollernalbkurier, Gleis 4 at Ebingen train station, 7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 28: Panel discussion of the Schwarzwälder Bote, 7 p.m., Festhalle Ebingen
  • Wednesday, March 1: IHK Academy Albstadt, panel discussion at 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday, March 3: Traufganghütte Brunnental, Laufen

Ihr OB für Albstadt – teilen Sie diesen Beitrag für Veränderung in unserer Stadt!

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