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The 50th anniversary of the city is coming soon. Our hometown – originally an art product of the municipal reform – has grown together more and more since then. Over the years, the competition between the individual districts has diminished and the common ground has grown. If you want to understand Albstadt and the mentality of its inhabitants correctly, you will come to the conclusion that the unique character of our city is determined precisely by the interaction of the multitude of individual districts with their respective characteristics. It is not imposed centralism that leads to the right future, but …
Harmonious and equal cooperation of all our districts of Albstadt:
From Burgfelden, our highest district with a unique landscape, to Ebingen – the most populous district – and currently also with a number of problems in terms of downtown design, commerce, safety and cleanliness. In the west, the Laufen district represents the “border area” to the neighboring town of Balingen. It will be important to ensure that sufficient building sites and housing are made available there for the large number of potentially interested parties, just as the construction of a new fire station is also required there, among other issues. Lautlingen also plays an important role in the overall structure of our homeland. With historic sites, such as Stauffenberg Castle, and great scenery – but there are also problems: The burden on residents caused by the B 463 can no longer be accepted in the future. The issue of the Lautlingen bypass must be realized as quickly as possible in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Margrethausen – “the good parlor of Albstadt” is also burdened by through traffic. Thought needs to be given to how this problem can be addressed, if necessary, through stationary speed controls. With its monastery, Klosterhof and a well-functioning club structure, this district contributes to the strength of the city as a whole. This is equally true of the much larger district of Onstmettingen, where great progress has been made in recent years through various projects and the upcoming redesign of the park. The creation of the projected new kindergarten – albeit under strict cost control by the building administration – is now mandatory in order to strengthen the quality of life for the residents there. “Quality of life” also characterizes the district of Pfeffingen. Volunteers have an excellent presence here, but it will also be necessary to clarify how the demand for housing and building sites can be met in the future in this part of town. Tailfingen and Truchtelfingen join the chain of valley villages. Much has already been implemented here in recent years. In recent years, the aim of all the local council groups has been the motto ” now it’s Tailfingen’s turn“. This promise has been kept; the Technology Workshop and the redesigned city center are good examples of this. This trend must also be continued in the Truchtelfingen district: The continuation of the existing redevelopment area there is just as important as, in particular, a further beautification of the village center through suitable measures and with the involvement of the voluntary sector.
All this succeeds only together
… however, what can be regulated locally must be regulated locally.
The residents of the districts always know best where the shoe pinches.
Roland Tralmer, your OB candidate for all districts of Albstadt
I therefore have no sympathy whatsoever for discussions about abolishing local councils – which are sometimes a nuisance to the administration.
Strengthening the local councils in Albstadt
The opposite is the case: the role of the local councils and local chairmen in the districts, who have this power, must be clearly upgraded and respected.
Therefore, not only in times of mayoral election campaigns, the motto “all local districts at eye level” is a matter of course and does not need to be rediscovered. The Albstadt “we-feeling” can only develop if it becomes clear that one can be a resident of a self-confident suburb as well as a citizen of a self-confident city of Albstadt. This is something we need to continue to work on.
Transcript of the video above
Albstadt is the sum of its districts. Those who deny this are wrong. Albstadt functions as a whole city only as the sum of these districts. What does this mean for me? The local districts must be preserved in their respective uniqueness. And anyone who talks about abolishing local councils is completely wrong. No, the opposite is the case: we have to preserve the character of the districts, and those who live in the districts can do that best. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen local councils and the competences of local municipal administration. That’s what I’m going to work for. Just as, of course, it is a matter of further promoting voluntary work in the local districts themselves, of maintaining our club structures. We simply have to put club funding on a new footing here. Incidentally, this includes not only sports and cultural association. This includes as a very important factor, especially in our local districts, our volunteer fire department, which brings every day with risk great commitment to all of us. This, too, must not be neglected in the future in terms of technical equipment and structural facilities.