Discussion with Albstadt associations: Strengthening volunteerism and improving cooperation

Press release on the association forum with OB candidate Roland Tralmer

Numerous board members of Albstadt associations and self-help groups accepted the invitation of mayoral candidate Roland Tralmer to discuss the topic “Associations and voluntary work in Albstadt – stocktaking and need for action”. In the “Gleis 4” in Ebingen a lively discussion developed after the presentation of the candidate to the honorary representatives.

All those present agreed that Albstadt benefits significantly from the large number of different associations. In this context, Tralmer emphasized that, especially after the Corona pandemic, numerous clubs were still suffering the consequences of the loss of events, training facilities and more. It is therefore in the “very own interest of the city” to examine as quickly as possible where the honorary office in the city can be further strengthened. In this context, the sports clubs raised the issue of the lack of hall capacity in particular.

At the same time it became clear that the resolution of the local council from the past year over the demolition of the Thalia theater in Tailfingen and the later projected demolition of the festival hall Ebingen in this form again urgently needs the discussion with broad sections of the population. In this context, Tralmer pledged in no uncertain terms that if he were elected mayor, the issue would be “right at the top of the agenda.” On the other hand, he said, it was crucial that clear, reliable figures be obtained from independent sources, especially for the refurbishment costs of the existing buildings, in order to bring about a decision-making process. In this context, it is also important that the question of a new event hall for Albstadt is again discussed intensively with regard to the time frame and the concrete design. This, he said, is an issue that cannot tolerate procrastination.

The representatives of the associations also complained that, in individual cases, cooperation with the relevant departments of the Albstadt city administration could be improved. One person present criticized in particular the fact that when contacting the authority, one “first hears what all is not possible”. In this context, Tralmer pointed out that he considered it urgently necessary to further improve the topic of “communication” between the city administration and the honorary office in this area as well.

In the future, an “enabling culture” is needed that supports private commitment and does not restrict it. It was also important to have a central contact person on the part of the city administration for the associations. Moreover, it is the task of both the responsible offices and, in the future, especially of the Lord Mayor, to actively promote networking between the individual associations in the city and the city administration. Here it will be a matter of setting up a corresponding association forum at least twice a year in the future. Not only the support of the honorary office is important, but also the term “appreciation”. Against this background, the previously established “annual citizens’ festival” should be redesigned. Instead, Tralmer said, he envisages introducing a “Volunteer Day” once a year in the future, which would be about getting to know each other, exchanging information and also appreciating the volunteers in the city. In this context, it is important not to forget those who are not solely active in associations, but who are also active in the areas of rescue services, nursing care and the fire department, for example. Their activities need to be appreciated just as much as those of the other associations in the city. Activity “for the general public” – especially in the fire and rescue services – must also be taken into account, for example, in the allocation of kindergarten places in relation to the “points system” currently in force.

The representatives of self-help groups also mentioned that on the one hand there was often a lack of suitable premises in the city, and on the other hand – with regard to people with disabilities – the topic of “cities for the disabled” needed further improvement. Fortunately here in the exchange with the association representatives regarding premises already a first success could be obtained, beyond that Tralmer said to notice after the mayor election campaign gladly the offer to provide itself by a “wheelchair passage” in different Albstadt city districts a view of existing problem areas. However, he decidedly did not want to make this an “election campaign issue” – this was not about “show”, but about an open ear for the concerns of those affected.

Ihr OB für Albstadt – teilen Sie diesen Beitrag für Veränderung in unserer Stadt!

6 thoughts on “Discussion with Albstadt associations: Strengthening volunteerism and improving cooperation”

  1. What is the significance of the resolution regarding the demolition of the Thalia theater and festival hall in Tailfingen? Why is it important to involve broad sections of the population in the discussion about these demolitions? How does Tralmer plan to address the issue if elected mayor? What role do clear and reliable figures from independent sources play in the decision-making process? Why is the discussion about a new event hall for Albstadt crucial, and what factors need to be considered in terms of timing and design?
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