
Roland Tralmer discusses hall concept and sustainable energy supply at citizens’ dialog in Albstadt

Numerous topics were discussed during the “Citizens’ Dialogue” series of events, to which mayoral candidate Roland Tralmer had invited to the Brauhaus Zollernalb restaurant in Ebingen. The discussion with the numerous attendees was characterized on the one hand by the topic of “Hall concept and culture in Albstadt” and on the other hand by the topic of sustainable energy supply in the city in the presence of members of “Fridays for Future”.

Roland Tralmer discusses hall concept and sustainable energy supply at citizens’ dialog in Albstadt Mehr lesen »


Facts and opinions about the Albstadt mayoral election on YouTube

On the YouTube channel for the OB election Albstadt 2023 you will find a number of videos to help you make your decision: About Roland Tralmer – Citizen-friendly administration – Albstadt cultural scene – Economy – Local districts – Cleanliness and safety – Energy transition

Facts and opinions about the Albstadt mayoral election on YouTube Mehr lesen »

Roland Tralmer

Albstadt works only with all city districts

The 50th anniversary of the city is coming soon. Our hometown – originally an art product of the municipal reform – has grown together more and more since then. Over the years, the competition between the individual districts has diminished and the common ground has grown. If you want to understand Albstadt and the mentality of its inhabitants correctly, you will come to the conclusion that the unique character of our city is determined precisely by the interaction of the multitude of individual districts with their respective characteristics.

Albstadt works only with all city districts Mehr lesen »

Committed to expanding sustainable tourism

In addition to the focus on “industry/trade/craft in Albstadt”, the municipal council, together with the city administration, has established the additional pillar of “tourism” in Albstadt in recent years. Successes are visible: In addition to our premium hiking trails on the Albtrauf and the associated bike routes, Albstadt also offers other tourist attractions in addition

Committed to expanding sustainable tourism Mehr lesen »

Tackling the energy turnaround quickly and resource-efficiently now

Build decentralized energy and heat systems –
Making local resources work – consistent use of new energy sources –
create new heat networks –
consistently exploit existing savings potential – drive forward refurbishment –
Promoting a traffic turnaround

Tackling the energy turnaround quickly and resource-efficiently now Mehr lesen »

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