Author name: admin

Creating the future together! Albstadt only functions when all nine districts are on an equal footing.

Creating the future together! Together, that means: Albstadt consists of nine independent, autonomous districts with their respective characteristics and positive features. And that is why Albstadt only works if all nine districts are on an equal footing, are treated equally, and a common sense of “we” is created in Albstadt with all citizens in all

Creating the future together! Albstadt only functions when all nine districts are on an equal footing. Mehr lesen »

Discussion with Albstadt associations: Strengthening volunteerism and improving cooperation

Press release on the association forum with OB candidate Roland Tralmer Numerous board members of Albstadt associations and self-help groups accepted the invitation of mayoral candidate Roland Tralmer to discuss the topic “Associations and voluntary work in Albstadt – stocktaking and need for action”. In the “Gleis 4” in Ebingen a lively discussion developed after

Discussion with Albstadt associations: Strengthening volunteerism and improving cooperation Mehr lesen »

Roland Tralmer discusses hall concept and sustainable energy supply at citizens’ dialog in Albstadt

Numerous topics were discussed during the “Citizens’ Dialogue” series of events, to which mayoral candidate Roland Tralmer had invited to the Brauhaus Zollernalb restaurant in Ebingen. The discussion with the numerous attendees was characterized on the one hand by the topic of “Hall concept and culture in Albstadt” and on the other hand by the topic of sustainable energy supply in the city in the presence of members of “Fridays for Future”.

Roland Tralmer discusses hall concept and sustainable energy supply at citizens’ dialog in Albstadt Mehr lesen »


Facts and opinions about the Albstadt mayoral election on YouTube

On the YouTube channel for the OB election Albstadt 2023 you will find a number of videos to help you make your decision: About Roland Tralmer – Citizen-friendly administration – Albstadt cultural scene – Economy – Local districts – Cleanliness and safety – Energy transition

Facts and opinions about the Albstadt mayoral election on YouTube Mehr lesen »

Video on urban development: Where will Albstadt be in 8 years?

Where will Albstadt be in eight years? There are problems in the city – without wanting to talk down good things in this city right now. Problems are in the area of local development Ebingen city center. Tailfingen has already taken a big step forward in recent years.

Video on urban development: Where will Albstadt be in 8 years? Mehr lesen »

Haushalt Albstadt 2023, Finanzen (Symbolfoto Münzen)

Albstadt 2023 budget: Clear priorities and no “business as usual

I am glad that many people enjoy living in our city and I think that we should do everything to keep it that way in the future. That is why I try to focus not only on improving what already exists, but also on tackling the new challenges of the future. That means we have

Albstadt 2023 budget: Clear priorities and no “business as usual Mehr lesen »

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